Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Two New Parties Comin Up!

2 New Parties comin up! October 24th is the Anniversary Party and the 27th is the starting of the Halloween party! You guys excited? By the way, if you're wondering what this pic is, I don't really know. You think that's the new room or like the inside of the volcano? Who knows?


  1. Looks like a cave with green goo inside. Probably a new party room for Halloween thats members only.

  2. Oooh good idea dude! By the way, next time, put ur penguin name on the comment so I know my awesome fans!

  3. Well,my names Allstar Bud. By the way my buddy's buddy emailed club penguin about the next party hat color. They said "Possibly red and black for the color. Check out the Anniversery party coming soon this month!". Red and blacks a pretty cool color for a party hat.

  4. Oops. Recently Someone found an swf file on the next party hat. It was green, yellow, and blue.
    Notice the balloons in the newspaper? Theyre the same color as the hats! So does the last party hat matched with the ballons in the pic.
    Red and black would make a good color though.
